
  1import os
  2import numpy as np
  3import pandas as pd
  4from tqdm import tqdm
  5from math import floor
  6from itertools import product
  7from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, List, Dict, Literal
  9import imageio.v3 as imageio
 11import torch
 13from elf.evaluation import mean_segmentation_accuracy, dice_score
 15from .. import util
 16from ..inference import batched_inference
 17from ..prompt_generators import PointAndBoxPromptGenerator
 18from ..multi_dimensional_segmentation import segment_mask_in_volume
 19from ..evaluation.instance_segmentation import _get_range_of_search_values, evaluate_instance_segmentation_grid_search
 22def default_grid_search_values_multi_dimensional_segmentation(
 23    iou_threshold_values: Optional[List[float]] = None,
 24    projection_method_values: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
 25    box_extension_values: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None
 26) -> Dict[str, List]:
 27    """Default grid-search parameters for multi-dimensional prompt-based instance segmentation.
 29    Args:
 30        iou_threshold_values: The values for `iou_threshold` used in the grid-search.
 31            By default values in the range from 0.5 to 0.9 with a stepsize of 0.1 will be used.
 32        projection_method_values: The values for `projection` method used in the grid-search.
 33            By default the values `mask`, `points`, `box`, `points_and_mask` and `single_point` are used.
 34        box_extension_values: The values for `box_extension` used in the grid-search.
 35            By default values in the range from 0 to 0.25 with a stepsize of 0.025 will be used.
 37    Returns:
 38        The values for grid search.
 39    """
 40    if iou_threshold_values is None:
 41        iou_threshold_values = _get_range_of_search_values([0.5, 0.9], step=0.1)
 43    if projection_method_values is None:
 44        projection_method_values = [
 45            "mask", "points", "box", "points_and_mask", "single_point"
 46        ]
 48    if box_extension_values is None:
 49        box_extension_values = _get_range_of_search_values([0, 0.25], step=0.025)
 51    return {
 52        "iou_threshold": iou_threshold_values,
 53        "projection": projection_method_values,
 54        "box_extension": box_extension_values
 55    }
 59def segment_slices_from_ground_truth(
 60    volume: np.ndarray,
 61    ground_truth: np.ndarray,
 62    model_type: str,
 63    checkpoint_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 64    embedding_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 65    save_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 66    iou_threshold: float = 0.8,
 67    projection: Union[str, dict] = "mask",
 68    box_extension: Union[float, int] = 0.025,
 69    device: Union[str, torch.device] = None,
 70    interactive_seg_mode: str = "box",
 71    verbose: bool = False,
 72    return_segmentation: bool = False,
 73    min_size: int = 0,
 74    evaluation_metric: Literal["sa", "dice"] = "sa",
 75) -> Union[float, Tuple[np.ndarray, float]]:
 76    """Segment all objects in a volume by prompt-based segmentation in one slice per object.
 78    This function first segments each object in the respective specified slice using interactive
 79    (prompt-based) segmentation functionality. Then it segments the particular object in the
 80    remaining slices in the volume.
 82    Args:
 83        volume: The input volume.
 84        ground_truth: The label volume with instance segmentations.
 85        model_type: Choice of segment anything model.
 86        checkpoint_path: Path to the model checkpoint.
 87        embedding_path: Path to cache the computed embeddings.
 88        save_path: Path to store the segmentations.
 89        iou_threshold: The criterion to decide whether to link the objects in the consecutive slice's segmentation.
 90        projection: The projection (prompting) method to generate prompts for consecutive slices.
 91        box_extension: Extension factor for increasing the box size after projection.
 92        device: The selected device for computation.
 93        interactive_seg_mode: Method for guiding prompt-based instance segmentation.
 94        verbose: Whether to get the trace for projected segmentations.
 95        return_segmentation: Whether to return the segmented volume.
 96        min_size: The minimal size for evaluating an object in the ground-truth.
 97            The size is measured within the central slice.
 98        evaluation_metric: The choice of supported metric to evaluate predictions.
 99    """
100    assert volume.ndim == 3
102    predictor = util.get_sam_model(model_type=model_type, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, device=device)
104    # Compute the image embeddings
105    embeddings = util.precompute_image_embeddings(
106        predictor=predictor, input_=volume, save_path=embedding_path, ndim=3, verbose=verbose,
107    )
109    # Compute instance ids (without the background)
110    label_ids = np.unique(ground_truth)[1:]
111    assert len(label_ids) > 0, "There are no objects to perform volumetric segmentation."
113    # Create an empty volume to store incoming segmentations
114    final_segmentation = np.zeros_like(ground_truth)
116    _segmentation_completed = False
117    if save_path is not None and os.path.exists(save_path):
118        _segmentation_completed = True  # We avoid rerunning the segmentation if it is completed.
120    skipped_label_ids = []
121    for label_id in tqdm(label_ids, desc="Segmenting per object in the volume", disable=not verbose):
122        # Binary label volume per instance (also referred to as object)
123        this_seg = (ground_truth == label_id).astype("int")
125        # Let's search the slices where we have the current object
126        slice_range = np.where(this_seg)[0]
128        # Choose the middle slice of the current object for prompt-based segmentation
129        slice_range = (slice_range.min(), slice_range.max())
130        slice_choice = floor(np.mean(slice_range))
131        this_slice_seg = this_seg[slice_choice]
132        if min_size > 0 and this_slice_seg.sum() < min_size:
133            skipped_label_ids.append(label_id)
134            continue
136        if _segmentation_completed:
137            continue
139        if verbose:
140            print(f"The object with id {label_id} lies in slice range: {slice_range}")
142        # Prompts for segmentation for the current slice
143        if interactive_seg_mode == "points":
144            _get_points, _get_box = True, False
145        elif interactive_seg_mode == "box":
146            _get_points, _get_box = False, True
147        else:
148            raise ValueError(
149                f"The provided interactive prompting '{interactive_seg_mode}' for the first slice isn't supported."
150                "Please choose from 'box' / 'points'."
151            )
153        prompt_generator = PointAndBoxPromptGenerator(
154            n_positive_points=1 if _get_points else 0,
155            n_negative_points=1 if _get_points else 0,
156            dilation_strength=10,
157            get_point_prompts=_get_points,
158            get_box_prompts=_get_box
159        )
160        _, box_coords = util.get_centers_and_bounding_boxes(this_slice_seg)
161        point_prompts, point_labels, box_prompts, _ = prompt_generator(
162            segmentation=torch.from_numpy(this_slice_seg)[None, None].to(torch.float32),
163            bbox_coordinates=[box_coords[1]],
164        )
166        # Prompt-based segmentation on middle slice of the current object
167        output_slice = batched_inference(
168            predictor=predictor,
169            image=volume[slice_choice],
170            batch_size=1,
171            boxes=box_prompts.numpy() if isinstance(box_prompts, torch.Tensor) else box_prompts,
172            points=point_prompts.numpy() if isinstance(point_prompts, torch.Tensor) else point_prompts,
173            point_labels=point_labels.numpy() if isinstance(point_labels, torch.Tensor) else point_labels,
174            verbose_embeddings=verbose,
175        )
176        output_seg = np.zeros_like(ground_truth)
177        output_seg[slice_choice][output_slice == 1] = 1
179        # Segment the object in the entire volume with the specified segmented slice
180        this_seg, _ = segment_mask_in_volume(
181            segmentation=output_seg,
182            predictor=predictor,
183            image_embeddings=embeddings,
184            segmented_slices=np.array(slice_choice),
185            stop_lower=False, stop_upper=False,
186            iou_threshold=iou_threshold,
187            projection=projection,
188            box_extension=box_extension,
189            verbose=verbose,
190        )
192        # Store the entire segmented object
193        final_segmentation[this_seg == 1] = label_id
195    # Save the volumetric segmentation
196    if save_path is not None:
197        if _segmentation_completed:
198            final_segmentation = imageio.imread(save_path)
199        else:
200            imageio.imwrite(save_path, final_segmentation, compression="zlib")
202    # Evaluate the volumetric segmentation
203    if skipped_label_ids:
204        curr_gt = ground_truth.copy()
205        curr_gt[np.isin(curr_gt, skipped_label_ids)] = 0
206    else:
207        curr_gt = ground_truth
209    if evaluation_metric == "sa":
210        msa, sa = mean_segmentation_accuracy(
211            segmentation=final_segmentation, groundtruth=curr_gt, return_accuracies=True
212        )
213        results = {"mSA": msa, "SA50": sa[0], "SA75": sa[5]}
214    elif evaluation_metric == "dice":
215        dice = dice_score(segmentation=final_segmentation, groundtruth=curr_gt)
216        results = {"Dice": dice}
217    else:
218        raise ValueError(f"'{evaluation_metric}' is not a supported evaluation metrics. Please choose 'sa' / 'dice'.")
220    if return_segmentation:
221        return results, final_segmentation
222    else:
223        return results
226def _get_best_parameters_from_grid_search_combinations(
227    result_dir, best_params_path, grid_search_values, evaluation_metric,
229    if os.path.exists(best_params_path):
230        print("The best parameters are already saved at:", best_params_path)
231        return
233    criterion = "mSA" if evaluation_metric == "sa" else "Dice"
234    best_kwargs, best_metric = evaluate_instance_segmentation_grid_search(
235        result_dir=result_dir, grid_search_parameters=list(grid_search_values.keys()), criterion=criterion,
236    )
238    # let's save the best parameters
239    best_kwargs[criterion] = best_metric
240    best_param_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([best_kwargs])
241    best_param_df.to_csv(best_params_path)
243    best_param_str = ", ".join(f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in best_kwargs.items())
244    print("Best grid-search result:", best_metric, "with parmeters:\n", best_param_str)
247def run_multi_dimensional_segmentation_grid_search(
248    volume: np.ndarray,
249    ground_truth: np.ndarray,
250    model_type: str,
251    checkpoint_path: Union[str, os.PathLike],
252    embedding_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]],
253    result_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike],
254    interactive_seg_mode: str = "box",
255    verbose: bool = False,
256    grid_search_values: Optional[Dict[str, List]] = None,
257    min_size: int = 0,
258    evaluation_metric: Literal["sa", "dice"] = "sa",
260    """Run grid search for prompt-based multi-dimensional instance segmentation.
262    The parameters and their respective value ranges for the grid search are specified via the
263    `grid_search_values` argument. For example, to run a grid search over the parameters `iou_threshold`,
264    `projection` and `box_extension`, you can pass the following:
265    ```
266    grid_search_values = {
267        "iou_threshold": [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
268        "projection": ["mask", "box", "points"],
269        "box_extension": [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0,5],
270    }
271    ```
272    All combinations of the parameters will be checked.
273    If passed None, the function `default_grid_search_values_multi_dimensional_segmentation` is used
274    to get the default grid search parameters for the instance segmentation method.
276    Args:
277        volume: The input volume.
278        ground_truth: The label volume with instance segmentations.
279        model_type: Choice of segment anything model.
280        checkpoint_path: Path to the model checkpoint.
281        embedding_path: Path to cache the computed embeddings.
282        result_dir: Path to save the grid search results.
283        interactive_seg_mode: Method for guiding prompt-based instance segmentation.
284        verbose: Whether to get the trace for projected segmentations.
285        grid_search_values: The grid search values for parameters of the `segment_slices_from_ground_truth` function.
286        min_size: The minimal size for evaluating an object in the ground-truth.
287            The size is measured within the central slice.
288        evaluation_metric: The choice of metric for evaluating predictions.
289    """
290    if grid_search_values is None:
291        grid_search_values = default_grid_search_values_multi_dimensional_segmentation()
293    assert len(grid_search_values.keys()) == 3, "There must be three grid-search parameters. See above for details."
295    os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)
296    result_path = os.path.join(result_dir, "all_grid_search_results.csv")
297    best_params_path = os.path.join(result_dir, "grid_search_params_multi_dimensional_segmentation.csv")
298    if os.path.exists(result_path):
299        _get_best_parameters_from_grid_search_combinations(
300            result_dir, best_params_path, grid_search_values, evaluation_metric
301        )
302        return best_params_path
304    # Compute all combinations of grid search values.
305    gs_combinations = product(*grid_search_values.values())
307    # Map each combination back to a valid kwarg input.
308    gs_combinations = [
309        {k: v for k, v in zip(grid_search_values.keys(), vals)} for vals in gs_combinations
310    ]
312    net_list = []
313    for gs_kwargs in tqdm(gs_combinations, desc="Run grid-search for multi-dimensional segmentation"):
314        results = segment_slices_from_ground_truth(
315            volume=volume,
316            ground_truth=ground_truth,
317            model_type=model_type,
318            checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path,
319            embedding_path=embedding_path,
320            interactive_seg_mode=interactive_seg_mode,
321            verbose=verbose,
322            return_segmentation=False,
323            min_size=min_size,
324            evaluation_metric=evaluation_metric,
325            **gs_kwargs
326        )
328        result_dict = {**results, **gs_kwargs}
329        tmp_df = pd.DataFrame([result_dict])
330        net_list.append(tmp_df)
332    res_df = pd.concat(net_list, ignore_index=True)
333    res_df.to_csv(result_path)
335    _get_best_parameters_from_grid_search_combinations(
336        result_dir, best_params_path, grid_search_values, evaluation_metric
337    )
338    print("The best grid-search parameters have been computed and stored at:", best_params_path)
339    return best_params_path
def default_grid_search_values_multi_dimensional_segmentation( iou_threshold_values: Optional[List[float]] = None, projection_method_values: Union[str, dict, NoneType] = None, box_extension_values: Union[float, int, NoneType] = None) -> Dict[str, List]:
23def default_grid_search_values_multi_dimensional_segmentation(
24    iou_threshold_values: Optional[List[float]] = None,
25    projection_method_values: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
26    box_extension_values: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None
27) -> Dict[str, List]:
28    """Default grid-search parameters for multi-dimensional prompt-based instance segmentation.
30    Args:
31        iou_threshold_values: The values for `iou_threshold` used in the grid-search.
32            By default values in the range from 0.5 to 0.9 with a stepsize of 0.1 will be used.
33        projection_method_values: The values for `projection` method used in the grid-search.
34            By default the values `mask`, `points`, `box`, `points_and_mask` and `single_point` are used.
35        box_extension_values: The values for `box_extension` used in the grid-search.
36            By default values in the range from 0 to 0.25 with a stepsize of 0.025 will be used.
38    Returns:
39        The values for grid search.
40    """
41    if iou_threshold_values is None:
42        iou_threshold_values = _get_range_of_search_values([0.5, 0.9], step=0.1)
44    if projection_method_values is None:
45        projection_method_values = [
46            "mask", "points", "box", "points_and_mask", "single_point"
47        ]
49    if box_extension_values is None:
50        box_extension_values = _get_range_of_search_values([0, 0.25], step=0.025)
52    return {
53        "iou_threshold": iou_threshold_values,
54        "projection": projection_method_values,
55        "box_extension": box_extension_values
56    }

Default grid-search parameters for multi-dimensional prompt-based instance segmentation.

  • iou_threshold_values: The values for iou_threshold used in the grid-search. By default values in the range from 0.5 to 0.9 with a stepsize of 0.1 will be used.
  • projection_method_values: The values for projection method used in the grid-search. By default the values mask, points, box, points_and_mask and single_point are used.
  • box_extension_values: The values for box_extension used in the grid-search. By default values in the range from 0 to 0.25 with a stepsize of 0.025 will be used.

The values for grid search.

def segment_slices_from_ground_truth( volume: numpy.ndarray, ground_truth: numpy.ndarray, model_type: str, checkpoint_path: Union[os.PathLike, str, NoneType] = None, embedding_path: Union[os.PathLike, str, NoneType] = None, save_path: Union[os.PathLike, str, NoneType] = None, iou_threshold: float = 0.8, projection: Union[str, dict] = 'mask', box_extension: Union[float, int] = 0.025, device: Union[str, torch.device] = None, interactive_seg_mode: str = 'box', verbose: bool = False, return_segmentation: bool = False, min_size: int = 0, evaluation_metric: Literal['sa', 'dice'] = 'sa') -> Union[float, Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]]:
 60def segment_slices_from_ground_truth(
 61    volume: np.ndarray,
 62    ground_truth: np.ndarray,
 63    model_type: str,
 64    checkpoint_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 65    embedding_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 66    save_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
 67    iou_threshold: float = 0.8,
 68    projection: Union[str, dict] = "mask",
 69    box_extension: Union[float, int] = 0.025,
 70    device: Union[str, torch.device] = None,
 71    interactive_seg_mode: str = "box",
 72    verbose: bool = False,
 73    return_segmentation: bool = False,
 74    min_size: int = 0,
 75    evaluation_metric: Literal["sa", "dice"] = "sa",
 76) -> Union[float, Tuple[np.ndarray, float]]:
 77    """Segment all objects in a volume by prompt-based segmentation in one slice per object.
 79    This function first segments each object in the respective specified slice using interactive
 80    (prompt-based) segmentation functionality. Then it segments the particular object in the
 81    remaining slices in the volume.
 83    Args:
 84        volume: The input volume.
 85        ground_truth: The label volume with instance segmentations.
 86        model_type: Choice of segment anything model.
 87        checkpoint_path: Path to the model checkpoint.
 88        embedding_path: Path to cache the computed embeddings.
 89        save_path: Path to store the segmentations.
 90        iou_threshold: The criterion to decide whether to link the objects in the consecutive slice's segmentation.
 91        projection: The projection (prompting) method to generate prompts for consecutive slices.
 92        box_extension: Extension factor for increasing the box size after projection.
 93        device: The selected device for computation.
 94        interactive_seg_mode: Method for guiding prompt-based instance segmentation.
 95        verbose: Whether to get the trace for projected segmentations.
 96        return_segmentation: Whether to return the segmented volume.
 97        min_size: The minimal size for evaluating an object in the ground-truth.
 98            The size is measured within the central slice.
 99        evaluation_metric: The choice of supported metric to evaluate predictions.
100    """
101    assert volume.ndim == 3
103    predictor = util.get_sam_model(model_type=model_type, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, device=device)
105    # Compute the image embeddings
106    embeddings = util.precompute_image_embeddings(
107        predictor=predictor, input_=volume, save_path=embedding_path, ndim=3, verbose=verbose,
108    )
110    # Compute instance ids (without the background)
111    label_ids = np.unique(ground_truth)[1:]
112    assert len(label_ids) > 0, "There are no objects to perform volumetric segmentation."
114    # Create an empty volume to store incoming segmentations
115    final_segmentation = np.zeros_like(ground_truth)
117    _segmentation_completed = False
118    if save_path is not None and os.path.exists(save_path):
119        _segmentation_completed = True  # We avoid rerunning the segmentation if it is completed.
121    skipped_label_ids = []
122    for label_id in tqdm(label_ids, desc="Segmenting per object in the volume", disable=not verbose):
123        # Binary label volume per instance (also referred to as object)
124        this_seg = (ground_truth == label_id).astype("int")
126        # Let's search the slices where we have the current object
127        slice_range = np.where(this_seg)[0]
129        # Choose the middle slice of the current object for prompt-based segmentation
130        slice_range = (slice_range.min(), slice_range.max())
131        slice_choice = floor(np.mean(slice_range))
132        this_slice_seg = this_seg[slice_choice]
133        if min_size > 0 and this_slice_seg.sum() < min_size:
134            skipped_label_ids.append(label_id)
135            continue
137        if _segmentation_completed:
138            continue
140        if verbose:
141            print(f"The object with id {label_id} lies in slice range: {slice_range}")
143        # Prompts for segmentation for the current slice
144        if interactive_seg_mode == "points":
145            _get_points, _get_box = True, False
146        elif interactive_seg_mode == "box":
147            _get_points, _get_box = False, True
148        else:
149            raise ValueError(
150                f"The provided interactive prompting '{interactive_seg_mode}' for the first slice isn't supported."
151                "Please choose from 'box' / 'points'."
152            )
154        prompt_generator = PointAndBoxPromptGenerator(
155            n_positive_points=1 if _get_points else 0,
156            n_negative_points=1 if _get_points else 0,
157            dilation_strength=10,
158            get_point_prompts=_get_points,
159            get_box_prompts=_get_box
160        )
161        _, box_coords = util.get_centers_and_bounding_boxes(this_slice_seg)
162        point_prompts, point_labels, box_prompts, _ = prompt_generator(
163            segmentation=torch.from_numpy(this_slice_seg)[None, None].to(torch.float32),
164            bbox_coordinates=[box_coords[1]],
165        )
167        # Prompt-based segmentation on middle slice of the current object
168        output_slice = batched_inference(
169            predictor=predictor,
170            image=volume[slice_choice],
171            batch_size=1,
172            boxes=box_prompts.numpy() if isinstance(box_prompts, torch.Tensor) else box_prompts,
173            points=point_prompts.numpy() if isinstance(point_prompts, torch.Tensor) else point_prompts,
174            point_labels=point_labels.numpy() if isinstance(point_labels, torch.Tensor) else point_labels,
175            verbose_embeddings=verbose,
176        )
177        output_seg = np.zeros_like(ground_truth)
178        output_seg[slice_choice][output_slice == 1] = 1
180        # Segment the object in the entire volume with the specified segmented slice
181        this_seg, _ = segment_mask_in_volume(
182            segmentation=output_seg,
183            predictor=predictor,
184            image_embeddings=embeddings,
185            segmented_slices=np.array(slice_choice),
186            stop_lower=False, stop_upper=False,
187            iou_threshold=iou_threshold,
188            projection=projection,
189            box_extension=box_extension,
190            verbose=verbose,
191        )
193        # Store the entire segmented object
194        final_segmentation[this_seg == 1] = label_id
196    # Save the volumetric segmentation
197    if save_path is not None:
198        if _segmentation_completed:
199            final_segmentation = imageio.imread(save_path)
200        else:
201            imageio.imwrite(save_path, final_segmentation, compression="zlib")
203    # Evaluate the volumetric segmentation
204    if skipped_label_ids:
205        curr_gt = ground_truth.copy()
206        curr_gt[np.isin(curr_gt, skipped_label_ids)] = 0
207    else:
208        curr_gt = ground_truth
210    if evaluation_metric == "sa":
211        msa, sa = mean_segmentation_accuracy(
212            segmentation=final_segmentation, groundtruth=curr_gt, return_accuracies=True
213        )
214        results = {"mSA": msa, "SA50": sa[0], "SA75": sa[5]}
215    elif evaluation_metric == "dice":
216        dice = dice_score(segmentation=final_segmentation, groundtruth=curr_gt)
217        results = {"Dice": dice}
218    else:
219        raise ValueError(f"'{evaluation_metric}' is not a supported evaluation metrics. Please choose 'sa' / 'dice'.")
221    if return_segmentation:
222        return results, final_segmentation
223    else:
224        return results

Segment all objects in a volume by prompt-based segmentation in one slice per object.

This function first segments each object in the respective specified slice using interactive (prompt-based) segmentation functionality. Then it segments the particular object in the remaining slices in the volume.

  • volume: The input volume.
  • ground_truth: The label volume with instance segmentations.
  • model_type: Choice of segment anything model.
  • checkpoint_path: Path to the model checkpoint.
  • embedding_path: Path to cache the computed embeddings.
  • save_path: Path to store the segmentations.
  • iou_threshold: The criterion to decide whether to link the objects in the consecutive slice's segmentation.
  • projection: The projection (prompting) method to generate prompts for consecutive slices.
  • box_extension: Extension factor for increasing the box size after projection.
  • device: The selected device for computation.
  • interactive_seg_mode: Method for guiding prompt-based instance segmentation.
  • verbose: Whether to get the trace for projected segmentations.
  • return_segmentation: Whether to return the segmented volume.
  • min_size: The minimal size for evaluating an object in the ground-truth. The size is measured within the central slice.
  • evaluation_metric: The choice of supported metric to evaluate predictions.